Always stoked!

Mattie is back, so he says, and he went on a hunting trip with Sterling Lorence in Green River, where the landscape is fenomenal. Matt allways seems relaxt and the über fun-rider, …

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Martha Hucker interview with Katie Hayes

Marthahucker interviewed Katie Hayes, who made this realy nice video. Read the full interview here: / Katie Hayes Promo from 406 Productions on Vimeo.

9 things to do in 2009

Do I like resolutions? Not really. Why? They suck. But I do like lists (those that know me, have my permission to slightly grin (okay, don’t overstretch yourself!). So here’s a list, …

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There’s a reason… wrapped 2007 up in a post on popular photo’s and video’s. This next video is most favorited in 2007. It’s a bit corny but it’s true, you should want to watch …

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Bright Crashcourse Freeriding

Last sunday I visited the Filthy Trails with the crew and today you can see the result of a day’s hard work (blink-wink-whatever). Linda did a great job trying to get …

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