2010 sighting: Trek Scratch

The specs on the 2010 Trek Scratch have been posted here!



Nice anodised details, in gear, grips and headset. The presumed ‘Slopestyle’ model SCRATCH, but it supports a double ring and mechanical seat-post (picture on top) so my guess is a Remedy on Steroids, like a Specialized SX competitor. Just when I told myself NOT to buy a new bike every year… they go and build nice new ones like this one and the Carbon Remedy 9.9.

As seen on:

4 thoughts on “2010 sighting: Trek Scratch”

  1. Tanja,
    I live in Rotterdam and am deciding between the 2010 Remedy 8 and Scratch 8. I would like more of your feedback on your ride experience with the Remedy line. Thanks,

    • Hi Mike,

      Tough choise as both bikes are magic! My experience with the Remedy is pure pleasure! I ride local xc trails in Holland, endurance rides in the Ardennes and Alpes. Even on the downhill track of Winterberg I didn’t go any slower than I did on my Switch, if that’s saying anything 😉

      I would suggest the Remedy if your main focus is endurance, long distrance rides with the goal to find gnarly descends, ride or walk back up to do it again. Lengthy trips, long hours, going up and down. If you’d like to visits bikeparks every weekend or so (more than once a month on a proper DH track) you might want the Scratch.

      Do you still have an xc ride? Let me put it this way, if you want only one bike: take the Remedy. If you keep your xc rig for local rides, take the Scratch to cure that itch! 🙂

      I’ve considered the Scratch, but the Remedy is still rather young and it the one bike I can put to good use. This is one bike that gets ALL the spanking it wants! Where the Switch got left home on occasions, my singlespeed got 0 km’s last year (pitty though).

  2. Thanks T! I appreciate the 411. I just got over here and brought my Kona Cinder with me. It does the job and keeps me in check on easy xc. But i wanted to start hitting some descents and try some moderate jumps (@ 1m) and hit back country. I believe the Remedy would do fine, but was wondering @ the Scratch (i don’t do slope or fr).

    I’m going to test out the Remedy 8 (not sold on the carbon, as I’m accident prone-LOL!). Hopefully I can work with the local shop to make a few upgrades for me when I order (definitely swap the RP2 for RP23).

    You got an awesome site and gave good info on some good ride areas.

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