The renewal of

Did you guys have the chance to take a good look at the new It’s kinda awesome! Apart from a better organized homepage, they’ve now embraced the community-thought. It’s possible to add users as a friend. Allowing you to follow their photo or video-stream. Yeah, you read that correctly, you can upload video’s to We now have both the Photo-of-the-day (POD) and Video-of-the-day (VOD). I’m glad you still get the chance to comment and rate comments. Badly rated comments now are hidden behind a link. Saves you the annoyance of reading kids shouting their ignorant heads off.

I miss a way to find highest rated photo’s and video’s, also I don’t like it that the pre-select pictures uploaded on today. Usually that means I have to click on “all pictures of this month”. They could have pre-selected showing pictures uploaded since my last visit… huh!

But very good news: we can embed video’s on our websites now, Pinkbike’s gone youTube!