Winter makes for good riding days

Last week my friend Ilja and I went for a short ride near Nijmegen. We actually planned to ride longer, but my watch cheated on us. Oh and the fact that we both took a nasty dive the first vert we came across (and usually dive off without a wink) didn’t help. Bruises and a sprained neck, silly us. The ground was madly frozen and covered with leaves and snow. Asking for it? Well we really wanted to give Ilja’s new Demo 8 a good go. It goes allright, we now know who’s in charge in that relationship…

Anyway, it was that last beautifull winterday of the year. Everything was white from frost (even better than snow) and the sky was clearblue. I was so awesome! Makes me forget about the blue knee I now have…

ยป Saturday’s photo’s